10 Simple Techniques That Will Make You A Better Driver

17.12.2022 DIY
10 Simple Techniques That Will Make You A Better Driver

Driving a car is easy. But if you put a little effort into improving your skills, you will be surprised how much more comfortable you will feel behind the wheel of your favorite car.

Here are tips to make your trips safer and more fun.

  1. Adjust your mirrors to cover the blind spot

If in the side mirrors of the car, the reflection of the sides takes up a large space, then you do not use the valuable area of ​​the reflective surfaces at 100%. To adjust the rear-view mirrors optimally, you need to remember a few simple points:

  • The driver's mirror should be adjusted to reflect only the rear quarter (part of the rear fender) of the car.
  • Only the rear quarter should be reflected in the side mirror on the passenger side, as on the driver's side.
  • The center mirror must be adjusted to reflect the rear window in the middle.
  1. Use the heel-toe technique

The meaning of this technique is to downshift with simultaneous braking with the toe and regas with the heel's help. It reduces gearshift time, prevents rear wheels from being unloaded, and allows you to quickly and smoothly downshift before entering a corner.

  1. Use the handbrake to turn

This technique, like the left foot braking technique, requires a lot of practice. Again, it is valid only in an emergency or for maneuverable and quick turns in winter. This should not be done on dry pavement to avoid exposing the tires to premature wear.

  1. Parking

If you master parallel parking perfectly, you will not be afraid of crowded parking lots. In addition, you will become more confident when moving in reverse. Parking sensors (Parktronic) will serve as an excellent assistant to you. And they are useful not only behind but also in front.

  1. Control your steering

In a drift, the front wheels lose traction when cornering due to overspeeding. When skidding, almost the same thing happens, but with the rear wheels. If you are driving on a wet or icy road, do not accelerate. Driving at an acceptable speed will avoid most drift or skid situations.

  1. Keep your hands in the correct position on the wheels

For years, driving instructors have advised keeping your hands on the steering wheel at the 10:00 and 2:00 hour markers. But in recent years, instructors have recommended holding your hands in the 9:00 and 3:00 or 8:00 and 4:00 positions. This gives you the most control when driving, and in one of these positions, your hands will be less tired during long trips.

  1. Do not use your phone

When driving, you need to forget about the phone and not answer calls or incoming SMS messages, even though the same speakerphone system, as they will still distract the driver from the road.

  1. Avoid road rage

Every car driver should be able to control himself while driving while remaining calm, regardless of what is happening around him. Always remember that our brain cannot make rational and correct decisions when we are nervous. Therefore, friends learn to be calm while driving a car so that it doesn't happen on the road.

  1. Take a course in control driving

Today, anyone can take additional training to improve their skills. Not only beginners but also quite experienced drivers go to counter-emergency driving courses because there is nothing shameful in the desire to protect yourself and other road users.

  1. Go with the flow

Driving faster or slower than the flow is dangerous and can create an accident. The decisive factor in choosing the speed in dense traffic is the intensity of traffic.
